Saturday, November 6, 2010

Week 11--Session 10 Technology Assessment and Forecasting.

This is the final topic for the entire module and it is also a round up of what we have learnt throughout this 10 weeks in Prof Shahi class. This session has taught us to identify possible key opportunities so as to develop them for the future.

The class started off with a quote stating "Tomorrow Belongs to the people who prepare for it today" Inevitably, what we do presently will determine what the future will be. It reminds us that our actions today, will definitely contribute to a enormous  changes to what the future will be like for our younger generation. Take for example, if we were to continue cutting down trees and driving wildlife to extinction, we will be depriving the chance of our children from seeing them. Some people seeing the way we are advancing would feel that the future is bleak because of the adverse changing conditions of the weather in recent years such as the recent Merapi volcano eruption and earthquakes. It reported to be the most ferocious volcano eruption in the century. Despite the advancement in civilisation, mother nature is still able to destroy us no matter how develop our societies are. However, since we are unable to defeat mother nature, we should just use the resources that mother nature has bestowed to us and use them to the fullest extend.

By the year 2050, the world will be heading towards a incredible population size of close to 9 billions and the horrifying news is that more than half of that population will be old people. With better medical facilities and health care services, life expectancy of an average person has increased resulting in ageing population. The younger generation does not bother about having kids anymore as they want to fulfil their materialistic mentality. Most people aim to have a stable career before engaging and setting up families.

With the progess our world is moving towards right now, we can be optimistic that our energy reserves are sustainable. Government and companies and investing heavily into renewable energy where we have witnessed breakthrough in term of biotechnology such as algae as hydrocarbon resources, inculcating greener technology into building such as installation of more solar panels, the better understanding of nuclear energy that could offer the best alternative choice to fossil fuel. In the future, it is no doubt that the reliance on fossil fuel will be reduced greatly and this could in return help to save our world.

The Millennium Goals set by world leader are still far from achieving them in spite of only 5 more years left to go. Eradicating poverty could still pose any the most difficult problem to solve. A fund of $40 billion is being injected into this plan hoping to save the lives of 16 million women adn children over hte next five years as part of efforts to reduce global povert, hunger and disease. However, the question still lies upon whether the plan will work or not? Does it really mean that if more money are being given to these people, they can get out of poverty? I suppose the answer still lies on who and how will the money be disseminated and used. It is almost certain that investment in building technological infrastructure which allows the kids in the third world country to use internet in school will promote literacy. This is the crucial part as with proper education, the people will be able to change and start to fight against corruption through garnering support from their own people. Food supplies and resources would be able to be distributed evenly and the people will be able to voice their own opinions. Women and men disparity will slowly dissolve and seeing more women taking up the role of the men to find job and work. Technology will bring about an enormous change to the people.

The question asked by Yali on why are the white has more cargo than the native has gotten the answer. Due to the geographical disadvantages compare to the white, the people were restricted to the limited resources they have. Hence, people developed differently all around the world as they adapt to the surrounding and progress from there. No one is born superior than the other but it is mainly where ones is born that determine the future. However, the future still lies in the hand of the people in the present. Every moves we are taking now, is craving the path for the what the future will be like.

I would rate this week lesson 8/10 because it has provided a in depth round up of the whole module.

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