Tuesday, October 19, 2010

week 10-- session 9 Technology and World Change

Today, we were introduced to the different types of technology such as surveillance technologies, biometric technologies,artificial intelligence technologies and many more. Quote from Steve job: " Innovation distinguishes the leader from the follower", This once again emphasis on the need for someone to lead a change rather than to stay put and accept what we have currently. Ideas and products in present world are mostly created out from fantasy and imagination just like what  Albert Einstein had said in the past, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand while imagination embraces the entire world and all there ever will be to know and understand." Items such as smartphone and 3D visual presentation were thought to be ridiculous in the past. It is this special ability in us to imagine and moving away from the status quo which lead us to more inventions of products.

A YouTube video on Claytronic was shown in class which had intrigued me. It will be so amazing to be able to have such technology at our doorstep.Changing the colour of our car depending whenever we want, demonstrating live structures instantly such as creating a prototype instantly and modifying them whenever we have to. All these allow us to cut down on the wastage of time to source for resources and providing a more realistic model to the people. One of the presenters today presented on virtual reality immersion which i feel might be the next trend where people will venture into. To be able to use this technology and enter any world we want, allow those who are depressed to be able to stay cheerful and curing boredom.

However, i still feel that future technologies would definitely arise problems in the future which are showing currently. People will tend to be addicted to these awesome gadgets such that they might start to fall into the virtual world and forgetting that everything is faked. Hence, they will choose to stay at home resulting in smaller social networking, obesity as they tend to avoid exercising and worst of all, they might not want to work. Alot of social issues and health problems will start appearing. Taking a look at the presentation on iphone morph into "iwallet". Beside the security issues, there might be sight of increasing number of people going into debt because it has made spending so much more convenient. Children and students nowadays all have handphone with them thus they will be tempted to buy anything they can. Furthermore, phones have shorter battery lifespan now thus it will be a headache when the battery goes flat.

I forsee that in the future there will be alot of tremendous changes not only in our surrounding but the way human behaves. People will demand for more work to be done within a shorter span of time with the faster network we have. Stress level in our society will definitely increase too and many people will inevitably become more impatient when it comes to submission of work if the system is slower abit. The reliance on technology will be more significant as it is integrated into our life.

I will rate this week lesson a 8/10 because we have several good presenters today who provide good insight to the topics discussed today. Future aspect of technology will be an interesting issue to talk about as anything could be possible now. I look forward to seeing the changes that we will experience in future.

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